What Does Awaiting Evaluation Mean in NSFAS?

If you have submitted your application for NSFAS bursary and funds and now have come across the awaiting evaluation stage, when tracking your application status, do not confuse yourself. We are here to describe the details about what awaiting evaluation NSFAS means and what is this stage of the application.

Let us directly jump to the meaning of awaiting evaluation and its meaning and how long evaluation takes. Pay attention so you do not miss anything important.

Awaiting Evaluation NSFAS Meaning

The simple and direct answer to awaiting evaluation NSFAS status check response meaning is that users still have to wait for a while because the organization is currently verifying your details documents and information and is unable to make a decision right now. One thing that you have to keep in mind is that the organization verifies and assists the information about every single applicant in detail.

It is done to confirm the eligibility and make sure that funds are given to the right candidate. This may take time and this “awaiting evaluation” is one of the responses that explains that your application is currently in the verification stage.

Well, you just don’t need to worry because there are times when there are the bulk of applications for the organization to keep an eye on constantly. There could be a delay.

Moreover, keep in mind to constantly check for the status of your applications because there is no specific time frame when NSFAS updates the application status of an applicant. You need to keep on checking regularly so that you can get to know about the current status of your application.

What does awaiting evaluation mean in NSFAS?

When you apply to get funds for your education from NSFAS and you track your application status you might come across the awaiting evaluation status check response. The good news is that it does not claim that your application has been rejected. Instead, it says that your application is currently in a verifying process and the decision of approval or rejection has not yet been made.

How long does the NSFAS evaluation take?

The applications that NSFAS has to check, access, and verify usually take 4 to 6 weeks. Most of the applicants get a response from the organization within no more than 30 days of their application submission. Since NSFAS verifies and evaluates the information that an applicant has provided on their application there are high chances that it may take time and sometimes even a longer time because of the workload and bulk of application.

What does NSFAS mean by awaiting evaluation?

It means what it says. This means the final decision has not yet been made and your application is currently in the verification process. The finalization and decision of approval or rejection is still pending and you might have to wait a little longer to get to know whether you will get the funds or not.

The guide explains the details about the meaning of awaiting evaluation NSFAS status check response. You need to keep an eye on the status check responses to see whether your application has been denied or accepted.

If you have checked your status and it says awaiting evaluation, that simply means your application is still in the verification process and the decision of approval or rejection has not yet been made. This means you have to wait and might have to wait a little longer to confirm the result of your application for getting the funds from NSFAS.