Does NSFAS Fund Safety in Society? | ANSWERED
The Safety in Society course aspirants frequently ask whether NSFAS funds their field or if they should apply for another bursary. There are two opinions; some claim that NSFAS does not fund courses like Safety in Society, while others say that the National Student Bursary program is designed to provide assistance to all courses, including Safety in Society. Reality falls between these two perspectives.
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme provides assistance to a wide range of students. It is affiliated with a list of the TVET Colleges and Technical Universities where the Safety in Society course is taught.
If it is an undergraduate program, NSFAS funds almost all TVET College courses, including Safety in Society. NSFAS does not fund postgraduate programs, short or part-time courses, or second-degree programs.
The enrolled student will get multiple facilities, including free education, transportation, accommodation, and study materials. If you are a Safety in Society student, you can apply for the NSFAS bursary program. It is for all the students who fall under the deserving category, so apply for NSFAS in case you lack resources to support your education. I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.