Does NSFAS Fund Pilot Training? | ANSWERED

Students Frequently ask whether NSFAS funds Pilot Training or if they should apply for another social welfare program. The National Student Financial Aid Scheme funds a list of the fields in which technical fields, such as engineering and the social sciences, like language or the fields, such as tourism, are common. However, there are some fields that NSFAS does not fund, such as general accountancy or medical science. 

The Pilot Training students are also eager to apply for the NSFAS program, but most of them are unfamiliar with the fact that NSFAS does not fund Pilot Training as per the rule. Therefore, they should apply for other student bursaries or scholarship programs. In my opinion, they should apply to the Students Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA) Bursary program. 

The Finance Department releases limited funds to the NSFAS; therefore, it does not cover all kinds of fields. However, the list of courses that NSFAS funds is long, covering all major and commonly pursued careers. You can apply for the SACAA Bursary program if you lack funds or require financial aid. I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.