Does NSFAS Fund Teaching? | Eligibility Criteria & Details

NSFAS is a National Student Financial Scheme, an organization in South Africa offering several bursaries and loans for needy students. Several courses come in the list of the courses that NSFAS provides funds for.

Teaching degrees like Educare, Early Childhood Development courses, and Development National Certificate (Vocational) degrees are all funded by NSFAS. Along with a bachelor of education in public universities, the organization also funds other teaching courses at many other TVET colleges located all across South Africa.

This guide covers the details about whether NSFAS funds teaching or not and if yes what course it provides funds for. Let us look at the details below.

Eligibility Criteria for NSFAS Teaching Bursary

To apply for an NSFAS teaching bursary make sure to fulfill the following mentioned minimum eligibility criteria. You have to make sure that you are a South African citizen and have proof of registration that you are studying or about to start your study in the university for college approved by NSFAS.

You have to pass all the subjects to make sure that you get funds continuously. Moreover, you must have to fulfill the requirements of the college or university you are taking admission in.

Documents You Have to Submit

You have to submit your identity document, university registration proof, parent’s or guardian’s identity document, and employment document. You also have to submit a grade 12 certificate or final results.

Payments Teaching Bursary Covers

You get a maximum of R 60,000 per year. But before getting approved for the bursary the organization will check whether you are a deserving student or not by checking your monthly household income via a means test.

It will check how much the families of the students can contribute. This test also determines the maximum amount a student will get. The bursary covers:

  • Tuition cost
  • Accommodation cost
  • Transport cost
  • Study material and books

What is Funza Lushaka Bursary?

Funza Lushaka is the bursary that is given by NSFAS for a 4 years bachelor of education program. The course is designed to promote specialization in teaching and has various majors like the foundation phase, intermediate phase, and senior and further education and training teaching majors. Funza Lushaka bursary is a specific bursary that is made mainly for those who want to specialize in teaching and pursue teaching as their profession.

Will NSFAS fund teaching in 2024?

Yes, NSFAS will provide funds for teaching courses and degrees in 2024. It also provides funds for a bachelor of education program which is a four-year program to get specialization in teaching.

What are the payments that the teaching bursary from NSFAS covers?

NSFAS provides funds for teaching courses and degrees. A maximum of R 60,000 per year is given to the students for tuition fees, accommodation fees, transport fees, and study material and books fees. The organization conforms to how much a student will get after conducting tests.

Hopefully, you have understood that NSFAS does provide funds for teaching and offers a maximum of R 60,000 for the students who want to get an NSFAS teaching bursary. The guide also elaborates on the eligibility criteria, what costs the bursary covers, and the documents that you have to submit to get the funds for the teaching course. Make sure to pay attention to the details above so you do not miss anything important.