Does NSFAS Fund Postgraduate Studies? | Explore Now

Are you a postgraduate aspirant and looking for a source of financial assistance? Students frequently asked whether they could get financial aid from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme or not. There are two claims: some say that postgraduate aspirants can enroll in the NSFAS program, while others deny the argument, so come with me to see if postgraduate aspirants can apply for the NSFAS program.

Does NSFAS Fund Masters Degree?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme is a program designed for students who are money-deprived but have a passion for pursuing their educational career. The purpose of the program is to assist financially deprived students who are ineligible to study in high-standard universities due to the skyrocketing education costs. The students enrolled in the NSFAS program get financial assistance, which includes a monthly allowance.

Additionally, students get accommodation, transportation, and basic commodities for daily use. According to NSFAS guidelines, undergraduate and diploma students can enroll in the financial aid program. However, the postgraduate and honors students cannot apply for the NSFAS program.

It is true that NSFAS is planning to launch a postgraduate assistance program in 2024, but the program is still underdeveloped. In addition, NSFAS requires an abundance of funds to continue another financial aid program for postgraduate students. Currently, there are thousands of undergrad students enrolled in the program who cost millions of rands to NSFAS.

What Should I Do?

However, if you are a postgraduate or honors student and looking for a financial aid program, then you can apply for the other ones. There are financial aid programs for postgraduate aspirants designed by the government to assist them financially so they can complete their studies.

You can apply to the South African National Research Foundation or the Department of Higher Education and Training, which can also provide you with assistance. Additionally, you can take advantage of other opportunities, such as bursaries, scholarships, and student loan programs. There are multiple student loan programs available for postgraduates that provide loans at very low-interest rates.

Lastly, there are international scholarship programs for postgraduate students available in South Africa. You can avail yourself of a list of opportunities other than NSFAS if you are a postgraduate. In my opinion, you should apply for bursaries and scholarships rather than student loans.

NSFAS does not provide assistance to honors and postgraduate degree aspirants, and the program is designed only for undergraduate students who are unable to pay their fees due to their financial statutes. The applicant must fall under the eligibility criteria; otherwise, he cannot get financial assistance.

If you are a postgraduate student or pursuing an honors degree, you can apply for other financial aid programs such as bursaries and scholarships. You can also take advantage of the opportunity to get a student loan. I hope this information will help you in the future, thank you.