Does NSFAS Fund Medicine Students? | Criteria & Requirments
Many aspiring doctors have a common question, does NSFAS fund medical students? The answer to this question is that, NSFAS funds medicine degrees, as long as the students are eligible and studying at a public sector university. Here is everything you need to know about NSFAS pre-requisites as a medical student.
Eligibility Criteria for NSFAS Medical Students
If you are a medical student looking for a chance to fund your education through the NSFAS scheme, it is important to understand the eligibility criteria. Here is everything you need to consider in this case.
- You must fulfill the mean test. It determines your household income threshold. You can always check it with your institution.
- You must be a South African citizen.
- You must be in your undergraduate studies.
- Your MBChD program should be at a public university in the country.
- You must meet the academic requirements at a chosen university.
Quota System
The quota of the NSFAS gives special preference to black or colored students due to their past imbalance based on racism. It may make it a little more competitive for white and Indian students.