Does NSFAS Fund Higher Certificate Courses at UNISA?

Students frequently ask if they can get NSFAS funding as Higher Certificate aspirants. Basically, there is a collective misperception that NSFAS funds students belong to all fields, but that is not true. If you are a Higher Certificate aspirant, you should see the NSFAS policies before applying for funding; come with me to see the details about NSFAS and Higher Certificate funding.

Is Higher Certificate Funded by NSFAS?

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme was launched by the government for students who cannot afford the expenses of their university. This program aims to support disadvantaged students who are ambitious to pursue their graduation but lack funds. The program assists only the students who fall under the eligibility criteria of NSFAS.

It does not support all kinds of programs, such as post-graduation, PhD, or advanced diplomas. However, NSFAS supports the Higher Certificate programs taught in the TVET Colleges and Technical Universities. A higher certificate is a vocational and training program equivalent to a bachelor’s degree, for example, in information technology, paralegal studies, marketing, or web development.

Higher Certificate at UNISA

People frequently ask if NSFAS funds Higher Certificates at UNISA or if they need to see another option. Here, you should consider the terms and conditions plus the guidelines of NSFAS.

According to the NSFAS, it funds all the Higher Certificates taught in recognized universities and institutes by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme. In this context, you can study Higher Certificate disciplines at UNISA if the institute offers any vocational and training field.

What Are the Eligibility Criteria?

People rush to apply for a bursary, loan, or scholarship as the government announces and neglects the importance of eligibility criteria. The Higher Certificate disciplines eligibility criteria do not match with the other fields criteria so you should carefully view it and then apply for funding.

  • An applicant must be a citizen of South Africa.
  • An applicant must be a resident of South Africa.
  • An applicant must have completed 12th Grade or studying in the 12th Grade at a TVET College or Technical University recognized by NSFAS.
  • An applicant must not repeat a course or fail a module.
  • An applicant must fall within the income threshold of NSFAS.
    • R350,000 per annum or less for a physically fit applicant.
    • R 600,000 per annum or less for disabled applicants.

NSFAS is designed for undergraduate and Higher Certificate aspirants; if they fall under the deserving people category, they can get funding from the program. However, NSFAS does not support post-graduation, advanced diploma, and PhD programs. If you are unable to pay university fees, struggling to manage hostel rent, and transportation expenditures are unaffordable, you can apply for NSFAS and pursue your Higher Certificate.