Does NSFAS Fund Flight Attendants? | Alternate Options
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme funds a wide range of disciplines, including engineering, tourism, languages, and more. The majority of the students misunderstand that NSFAS funds all kinds of disciplines, such as aviation fields, including pilot training or flight attendant courses. NSFAS is affiliated with a list of institutes, including TVET College, Technical Universities, and other public Universities.
Therefore, the students presume that NSFAS funds the Aviation Academy, but courses like Flight Attendant or Pilot Training do not fall under the category of NSFAS courses. However, a student can apply for other scholarships and bursaries, such as the SACAA bursary program designed for the Aviation Academy students.
The government releases funds to the NSFAS to help the students, but currently, due to the challenging economic conditions, Federal authorities cannot release extra funds to the NSFAS; therefore, its horizon for providing financial assistance to a wide range of disciplines is not widening. Anyhow, if you are facing financial challenges to pursue the Flight Attendant course, you can apply for the SACAA bursary program. I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.