Does NSFAS Fund Extended Programmes? | Answered
The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is a South African governmental scheme that focuses on promoting education by providing financial assistance to individuals who are unable to afford tertiary education fees. Its primary objective is to ensure that deserving students have access to higher education opportunities, regardless of their financial background. Hence, if you satisfy their eligibility requirements, you have the opportunity to apply for NSFAS funding.
Is NSFAS Cover Extended Courses?
However, keep in mind to receive NSFAS funding, the applicant must be studying in the institution or courses funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS); otherwise, they will not be considered. NSFAS covers an array of courses offered at the institutions funded by them, encompassing various fields of study and academic disciplines.
However, there are certain exceptions to what NSFAS covers. One crucial point to note is that NSFAS funding is limited to a student’s first undergraduate qualification. This implies that if a student has already completed an undergraduate degree or diploma, they are not eligible to receive NSFAS funding for another undergraduate qualification.
NSFAS funds exclusively first undergraduate degrees, encompassing both online and full-time courses offered by either public universities or Technical or Vocational Education or Training (TVET) colleges. Furthermore, NSFAS does not provide funding for postgraduate studies, including postgraduate certificates and diplomas, as well as Honours or Master’s Degrees. Students must be aware of these limitations and restrictions when considering their funding options for further education.
Extended Programs Funding
After completing matric, not all students are able to attain the necessary marks to gain admission to a higher education institution. Fortunately, there exists a program specifically designed to support these students in attaining the qualification they aspire to achieve. The Department of Higher Education created the Extended Curriculum Program to help more students graduate.
This program is specifically designed for students who didn’t get high enough grades to enter college but show they have the skills and potential for their chosen field. Moreover, students who register for the extended program typically get a customized academic plan with extra help and resources to meet the requirements of their chosen program. Institutions of higher learning provide extra support in the Extended Curriculum Program to make sure students are ready for the challenges of their chosen field and can do well in university.
In conclusion, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) funds multiple institutions and courses across South Africa. Students who are planning to apply for NSFAS funding must be enrolled in the courses and institutions that are eligible for funding from the scheme. In addition, aside from funding undergraduate degrees, NSFAS also supports extended programs.