Is Rostec College Funded by NSFAS? | Answered

Is Rostec College funded by NSFAS or should I look for other institutes to fund my educational expenses? The question is indeed a highly relevant one and should be addressed in case some deserving student needs funds to cover their expenses.

Many talented South African students are forced out of educational institutions just because they do not have the means to pay for their tuition fees. But not anymore because the students of Rostec, being an accredited institution of NSFAS, can apply for education bursaries if they are eligible. For further details, I suggest you keep on reading down below.

Does Rostec College Have NSFAS?

Yes, Rostec does allow its most brilliant and eligible students to apply for the NSFAS funding. These are the students who have the skills and the brains but not enough financial independence to get the studies that they deserve. Hence, NSFAS provides them with enough funds to cover their tuition fees and other education-related expenses.

So, it is safe to say that the Roetec students who do have the means to pay for their tuition fees and other education-related expenses, need not worry. They can easily apply for the NSFAS funding if they are eligible for it as well.