Is Mpilo Royal College Funded by NSFAS? | Answered

Mpilo Royal College students frequently ask whether the National Student Financial Aid Scheme funds their institute students. Basically, the horizon of funding is very diverse as NSFAS funds the TVET College and Technical University students, and it funds the diplomas equal to the Bachelor’s, so people assume that maybe it also assists the Mpilo Royal College students.

To understand the nature of diverse funding, we should dig into the details of the NSFAS program’s purpose. We all know that NSFAS is a government body that helps students who want to pursue their educational careers; however, there are some restrictions and rules we should also consider when it comes to the NSFAS. Come with me to explore these rules and understand whether NSFAS funds Mpilo Royal College students.

Purpose of NSFAS and Its Link to Mpilo Royal College

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme was launched for financially deprived students who belong to a disadvantaged background and cannot afford their educational expenses. Because the cost of education is surging day by day, an average student cannot afford higher education expenses. Therefore, our government introduced a scheme similar to a loan program that helps students.

It provides them with all the facilities, such as daily use commodities, accommodation, transportation, and tuition fees. It is true that its horizon of assistance is diverse as it funds TVET College students, Disabled students, and Technical University students. However, it only funds the universities operating under the supervision of our government.

The NSFAS program is only for public universities which have contracts with the NSFAS authorities. Additionally, it funds a bunch of TVET colleges, while people assume that all TVET colleges are affiliated with NSFAS. In light of all this fundamental information, we need to determine whether NSFAS funds Mpilo Royal College.

Mpilo Royal College is a private institute controlled by a non-governmental body, so it is not affiliated with NSFAS. Like Mpilo Royal College, NSFAS does not fund any other private institute, whether it is free for the students or charging thousands of rands. It aims to assist students studying at government institutes.

What Should I Do Next?

If your admission has been finalized at Mpilo Royal College and you do not have sufficient funds to support your education expenses, then you can go after scholarships. Mpilo Royal College provides scholarships to competent students who demonstrate high grades in previous examinations and rewards them by providing free education.

On the other hand, you can apply for a student bursary that can support your educational career. There are hundreds of bursaries available for students who want to get higher education from private institutes but lack funds. Lastly, you can appeal to the authorities to support your educational career as you are lacking funds.

NSFAS is affiliated with public universities and colleges; therefore, it does not fund the students in private colleges, such as Mpilo Royal College. If a private college student is lacking funds, he can apply for a scholarship or student bursary. I hope this information will help you in the future; thank you.