Can You Get NSFAS & R350 Grant? Eligibility & Cancellation

The government of South Africa has launched a grant for all citizens, known as the SASSA grant, which helps old people, retired people, war veterans, orphans, disabled people, and unemployed people. SASSA does not provide assistance to the higher education students, such as undergraduate aspirants. On the other hand, the National Student Financial Aid Scheme is designed for disadvantaged students who cannot support themselves financially for educational purposes. 

It raises a concern whether NSFAS applicants who receive SASSA grants can get the student bursary. Some claim that SASSA allows its recipients to apply for NSFAS, while others say that NSFAS does not allow enrolled students to get SASSA grants. The truth lies somewhere between these two viewpoints, so come with me to explore the facts. 

Should I Apply For SASSA R350 as an NSFAS-Enrolled Student?

According to the guidelines of NSFAS, students cannot apply for the SASSA grant if they are already enrolled in the NSFAS program. The NSFAS application forms contain a condition that if you apply for the National Student Bursary program, you will no longer be eligible for SASSA grants. Additionally, the investigation department verifies whether the applicant is enrolled in the SASSA grant or any other social security program. 

Therefore, you cannot simultaneously apply for the SASSA grant and the NSFAS Bursary program. If you are already enrolled in the SASSA grant program and have decided to apply for the NSFAS, you need to cancel the previous grant program in order to get the NSFAS funding. Otherwise, NSFAS will cancel the application, labeling you as the SASSA SD R350 grant recipient.   

How to Cancel SASSA SDR R350 Grant to Get NSFAS Bursary?

Step 1: Go to the SASSA official website. 

Step 2: Scroll down and open the “Cancel Application.”

Step 3: Log in to your account by providing the ID number and phone number. 

Step 4: You will receive an OTP; enter the PIN in the empty bar. 

Step 5: A new page will appear where you need to tap “Cancel My Grant.”

Step 6: A notification will pop up asking if you are sure to cancel the grant; tap the “OK” button.

Step 7: You will receive an SMS that your grant has been canceled. 

NSFAS does not accept the applications of individuals who are enrolled in other social security programs, whether it is a SASSA SRD R350 grant or any other bursary. Therefore, if you are applying for the NSFAS and are already receiving an STD R350 grant, you need to cancel your SASSA membership. I have explained the simple steps to cancel the SASSA membership so you can follow them to cancel the SRD R350 grant to enroll in the NSFAS Bursary program. 

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